Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Mia and Jared were watching "Super Why" this morning. Mia turned to Jared and said, "What if the super word was TaLaisa?!"

Memorial Day

Jared was going through the calendar with Mia. He was explaining what every holiday meant. When he got to Memorial Day, he read, "Memorial All Day. Do you know what that means Mia? It is when you go to church all day."

Sunday, December 28, 2008

That's Love

Tonight while I was putting Gordon to bed, I laid down by him and read him a story. I gave him a hug and whispered in his ear, "Good night, I love you baby boy." He said to me, "Good night. I love you big Mom. I love everybody. Even Dad."

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Mia was pretending she was Batman and Ellis was Robin. They were going upstairs and Mia turned around and said, "Robin you just laid an egg."

Monday, December 22, 2008

Washing Hands

It's funny to see how our kids associate different things. We've taught them to wash their hands so they "don't get sick." They've also learned that when you're sick, you often end up vomiting. So it shouldn't surprise me that sometimes I'll catch Gordon in the bathroom, where he'll explain to me, "I'm washing my hands so I don't throw up a lot."

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Not My What?

Ellis loves the, "That's Not My..." books from Usborne. These are simple "touchy feely" books that say, "That's not my train. It's wheels are too smooth." I was reading it to Ellis and I said, "That's not my train it's funnel is too rusty." Ellis said, "Yes it are." He did this for each page after I would read it.


When we got to church today, Seth was helping Gordon out of his car seat. Seth asked him a question and Gordon said, "I just want to scream. Outside."


Today at church I was tracing Ellis' hand. When I finished he took a look at it, made a fist with his hand and said, "trace my punch."

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Jared was doing something that was really bothering Mia the other day. She got up to walk away and I heard her say, "Boys...".

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Two Gordys

We were watching some home videos and Gordon saw himself. He said, "There are two Gordys. One is looking at me and I am looking at him!"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Mia was playing with a package of diapers yesterday. She wanted me to look at a trick she was doing and I told her that it was really neat. She said, "Yeah, I know. One of my talents is playing with diapers."

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Mia was talking about her friend Abby and she said that she really wanted to marry her. Seth told her that she would have to kiss her. Jared said, "Yeah, and you will have a LOT of babies!"

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Ellis got a haircut the other day. Mia took one look at him and said, "Ellis still has more hair than my dad."